I am also upset with the accusations against Kim and wish all this crap
would stop..  I have not had the priviledge of meeting Kim in person but I
have been to her web site.  I have seen the pictures of all the ferrets and
from her web site you can tell how much she loves these animals.
I am 100% behind Kim and from having "talked" to her by email and ICQ I can
tell you she loves those ferrets with all her heart and soul.  Now if she
was just out to suck folks for money then she would not have done what she
did when I placed a bid for her auction to help the NJ rescues.  I placed a
bid to help the ferrets out and for a hammy for my babies.  Well I not only
got a very nice quality hammock but I got two of them and I only bid on
one.  So I'm not tooting my horn because of my small donation, but just
showing you what a great person she is... So can we please cut the crap
and get back to what's important...... our ferrets and supporting each
other because we all need each other.....the ferrets need all of us and
especially all the wonderful people who run shelters and do rescue.
Okay I'm off my soapbox now *G*
Cassie, Socks, Chico,
Shadow, Kachina, Angel,
Pebbles, Bam Bam,
Mandee, Brandee
(nickname Chompers),
 & two lizards.
[Posted in FML issue 3307]