To Dr. Williams or anyone else knowing.  I am going to take fuzzies to vet
this week for shots.  I take them to a vet up north for serious problems,
but my vet here does do the shots.  They need to get their rabies and
distemper and need to just be safe.  We are going to do them seperately so
that I make sure there is not any reactions to the shot.  So on with my
question, can you tell me the exact name or kind of meds you use so that
he knows for sure.  he told me I can call him and tell him what the meds
are and he can get them in.  He has been around ferrets, but never really
worked on them, and would like to learn.  He is going to go to a
veternarian convention, and hopefully learn some more.  Please email me
personally at [log in to unmask] I would really appreciate it.
Also, thank you woofy for your site on deaf ferrets.  I have learned a lot
and would just like to say thanks.  Your site was very informative.
Also, a note for Kim and Lisa at the Kista Shelter, maybe this individual
who is doing this nasty emailing has met you before and under some
circumstances, you have made them upset.  Is it a possibility that they
knew the guy involved with the NJ rescue.  Were they related, friends,
etc.?  Or was this an individual who maybe wanted a ferret from your
shelter and you possibly turned him down.  I don't know that you do that or
not, but I know here in Iowa at our 1 ferret only shelter, you have to know
everything about them or they will turn you down (I think this is great,
but wish some pet stores would do this also or something like it)
Thanks in advance and keeping all lost and sick fuzzies in our prayers....
Latisha and Paul (aka   mommy and the grouch)
4 boys "Buster, Bandit, Puddin, and Bear"
Fisty little female (deaf) "Foxy"
[Posted in FML issue 3306]