Back in Oct when my TazMan told me in his own way that it was time for
him to go, I called my vet.  She knew the history, of course, of his
insulinoma, and, Thank the powers that be, she knows me well enough.  After
work that day, I stopped by her practice to pick the dose of phenobarbital
she had set aside for me.  After I got home, Taz and I spent the entire
evening together, cuddling and remembering everything about his short 8
yrs.  I crushed the phenos up with some peanut butter and a swig of Karo.
He was in my lap watching me.  He ate it all.  He knew what it was.  The
dosage the Dr had given me was for a 30lb dog.  Poor Taz was only 3lb.
When he was done with the peanut butter he curled up on my chest, and I
talked to him til he fell asleep.  By noon the next day he was still
sleeping.  I wanted so badly for him to cross easy, and at home, but his
heart was so strong.  I took him in to see Dr, his blood pressure was so
low she couldn't find a vein so she had to give the shot subQ.  I ttok him
outside-it was a beautiful warm Oct day, and I held him and rocked him and
let him go.  It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do.  This is the
first I have spoken about it and it rips my heart open.  I am glad we had
the pheno, he had some time with me that was pain free.  I only wish it had
been more, so we wouldnt have had to go in.
[Posted in FML issue 3306]