To those on the list that have lost precious, dear ones, my heart goes out
to you.  To those precious, dear ones that are preparing for surgery, you
are in my prayers.  Life has been most unkind to me lately and I have so
many messages to answer, it seems easiest to do it this way.
I was not kidnapped, I did not run away from home and I did not get lost
in the park.  There simply has not been enough hours in the day to do all I
need to do!  My daughter has had Drivers Ed every night-which means I leave
the house at 8am to go to work and stumble in about 9pm only to fall in
bed so I can get up and do it again!  I was so tired after 3 weeks of this
schedule that I went to bed Friday at 10pm and slept until after four on
Saturday afternoon!!!  I feel better!  But in attempting to catch up I find
that I have missed so much!  Kooking shows and catapults, jousting and
red wagons?  After reading the antics of these wild and crazy people-not
mentioning any names, I am just so very thankful that my guys are sweet,
innocent and NORMAL ferrets!!!  I can't even begin to imagine my ferrets
trying to "pult" one of my cats!  Poor thing would have a heart attack!
And what were we "feeding the herons'?  Isn't there some sort of law to
protect them?  Thankfully, my ferrets are perfect angels!  Anyway, it does
seem I have missed a lot!  I will try to keep up better!  For those who
asked: Hope took her Distemper shot without any reaction!  (Yippee!) And
after examining Einstein, he agrees that the hairloss on the tail could
very well signify the onset of adrenal, but since there seems to be no
unusual swelling or bumps that he could feel, he wants to wait until Einy's
annual exam in March to see if anything else has developed!  Hope goes in
for her Rabies shot this afternoon.  I will try to get around to answering
my messages-but work has been a zoo!  It seems everyone wants to go
someplace WARM!!  Me included!  Hey CJ!!  Up for a visitor this coming
weekend!  I am flying in Friday night-Sunday is pretty much booked but
would love to see you on Saturday!  I have been saving a special hug for
a certain little white girl you have!!!!
Judy Cooke
Tyson, Hope, and Einstein
"The world is made up for the most part of morons and natural tyrants, sure
of themselves, strong in their own opinions, never doubting anything."
Clarence Darrow
[Posted in FML issue 3305]