I think I've found the floor care machine of my dreams!  Sweeping ferret
floors is so time consuming - bring the broom forward, the ferrets dispurse
what you just moved.  Move the broom outward and you whack a ferret in the
fangs with the plastic shield.  Using the dustpan, well that is a joke,
isn't it?  Sweep the dirt in and a ferret sweeps it back out.  And
sometimes sits down in the pan!  And while I truly enjoy laughing while I
sweep, sometimes I just don't have time to spend a half hour sweeping one
small room.  And vaccuming every day means there are 7 ferrets trying to
either get their whiskers sucked off or bite the cord - and some of them
try both!
Enter Bissell!  They make a cordless little vacume cleaner, larger than
a dust buster and with a long handle, and a head like a regular upright
vacume.  It's called a GoVac, and its re-charge unit has to set on the
floor - unlike an electric broom where your re-charger is wall mounted.
That is the one downside - it has to be stored out of the ferret area.
There is enough power to pick up all the food crumbs, but it's not so noisy
that ferrets are doing sommersaults in the air with excitement.  The GoVac
doesn't have a 'bag', the debris goes into a transparant cannister that's
part of the vacume head.
Kouri has given the GoVac his product endorsement, and has sent in his
warranty registration card!
[Posted in FML issue 3305]