Hi all
My hooman waz out of town this weekend and suddenly a lot of messages so
if some of these are late I am sorry but I didn't read them til recently.
A little guy named Parker came in.  I showed him around and made sure he
knew where all da attractions and sights were.  He waz interested in da
Fruit Bar and went over there and ate quite a bit of it.  He then went
over to da Otter Slide where he wanted to do a lot of sliding and a little
splashing.  He didn't care for da water but he did like to slide down.  He
would slide and hit da water with a splash then rush to get out of da water
as fast as he could and run back to slide again.  He had a lot of fun at da
slide and he said he can put up with da water if he has to.  He said to
send lots of luv and kisses to hiz mommy.
A little guy named Polaris came in.  He waz met by a bunch of friend who
greet him warmly.  They were happy to see him and there were hugs all
around.  They wanted to show him around so they toured around and showed
him where all da attractions and sights were.  They then took him over to
da Tube Park and were going to enter da tube races.  They didn't do to bad
although he needs a lot of practice at it.  Hiz handoffs were a little slow
and didn't get through da tubes to well but he said he would in da future.
He said he waz going to practice and come back and do better.  He said to
tell hiz mommy dat he luved her bunches and to send lots of kisses and
A little guy named Fatbert came in later.  He was met by Bandit who was
very happy to see him.  He wanted to know all da gossip and news at home.
They talked for some time.  They then went over to da Babyfood Balconey to
get a bite to eat as Fatbert said he waz a little hungry as gossiping is
hungry work.  They then headed off to explore and see all da sights and
attractions.  I later seen them over at da Sock Steal game stealing socks.
They didn't steal da most but it waz very close.  Almost a photo finish.
They seemed to have a lot of fun at it and get to keep da socks they steal.
They headed off to find a hidey hole for their socks.  They said to tell
their mommy da they luv her bunches and to send lots of hugs and cuddles.
A little girl named Taz came in.  I gave her da tour of da place and showed
her all da attractions and sights.  She waz interested in da Fruit Bar
where she went and ate a bunch there.  She said she didn't get along with
most ferrets so I took her over to da Ferretvite Festival to lap up some
ferretvite and maybe get to know some others and do some dancing.  She
didn't warm up to da idea at first but soon she relaxed and went out to
dance with a lot of different partners.  I think she will do fine with
others with a little work.  She seemed to do well at da festival.  She said
to tell her mommy there waz no more pain and she felt better than she had
in a while.  She said to send lots of luv and kisses to her mommy.
Two little girls came in together.  Their names were Dakota and Samantha.
I showed them around and made sure they knew where all da sights and
attractions were.  They were interested in da Gravy Gourmet where they ate
a bunch without regard for their girlish figure.  They then headed off to
explore on their own for a time.  They ended up over at Dirt MOuntain where
they wanted to do some digging and maybe dig out a den for themselves to
hide their stuff in.  They dug for some time and seemed to make progress.
They said to tell their mommy dat they felt lots better and there waz no
more pain.  They also said to send their luv and bunches of kisses and
I looked up Chubby in da puter and went over to talk to him.  He said he
hadn't found anyone he knew.  I also looked up da other two and found them.
I then took Chubby over and introduced them.  They were a little cool at
first but warmed up to each other when they found out who hiz mommy was.
They knew others there and soon he had a lot of friends to hang out with
and do things with.  He said to send lots of luv and kisses to hiz mommy.
I looked up Lottie in da puter thing.  I went and talked to her and gave
her your message.  She said dat she knew she would not be your only ferret
and is glad you found another.  She said she will keep a eye out in da
Reflecting Pool.  She said to send her daddy her luv and kisses.
A lot of catching up to do but I think I remembered everyone.  Everyone out
in cyberland have a very Happy New Year.  Gotto go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3286]