Please get Loki, Spaz, and Sampson there to meet Charlotte.  She died last
night in her sleep.  We went to the vet tuesday because she wasn't acting
right.  As soon as I would take her out of the cage she would crawl up my
leg or the side of the cage to get back in.
The vet did some tests and diagnosed her as insulinoma.  We started her on
Prednisone, and I started feeding her straight Chicken Gravy, This morning
she was in her hammy sleeping forever.
Charlotte was a special little lady.  She was 7 years old and Marshall
Farms.  Her first home was in Bloomington Illinois.  These people went and
baught a kit, and Charlotte didn't like the kit.  So they put an ad in the
paper.  I went and got her.  At that time she was four years old.  I never
understood how someone could have had her for four years and just dumped
her.  Turned out Charlotte just didn't like any kit.  She was fine after
they were older.
She will be greatly missed.
Fuzzie Dad & The Blurry Furry's
Squeeky,Midge,Taffy,& Blizzard
Never forgetting Loki,Spaz,Sampson,& Charlotte
[Posted in FML issue 3305]