Well, heres the scoop so far.  $37 received so far, and its only been one
week.  Thanks to, John, who started it all!  and his donation too.
Also, thanks to Erin and Kenny from Petco in Las Vegas, anon from Montana,
the Mcfarlane family, Roxanne D., Patricia N., Ms. Anderson, Todd & Shelly
T., and Tracy J.
Also those cards and notes with the donations have made me cry, but just
from happiness.  It feels good to be appreciated for the work you do.
Also everyone who send their cards and condolences for Mr. Chitters, thank
you.  They make me cry too, but from the compassion you all have showed.
Enough thanks can't even begin to tell you how good this has made me feel.
24 Carat Ferret Rescuce and Shelter
"where ferrets are treated like gold"
[Posted in FML issue 3304]