Micaela (by the way, I adore your name),
I found the artcle you posted about on the net.  Thanks for the pointer.
Thanks for letting this not go by unnoticed.  I have never gotten so upset
over something like that, that I got physically ill that morning.  I was
wondering... I read in the article that it was "normal" for the temp to be
kept above 32 for the ferrets during travel..... and that it got below 32
and that was most of the problem (in their eyes).  Ok so my question is...
a horrifying one.  Are babys (ferrets) let to be in temperatures
approaching 32 and they think thats ok???  Because that is what I got out
of the article.  We all need to know this ya know?
And were any questions ever answered such as.... who's were they, why did
they not come check to see why they were delayed, how were so many live
animals left in that state by which airline was it, has the person come
forth yet, who were they shipped by, and ..... who discovered them, and
finally tried to help any survivors.  sigh ..  lots of questions.
Please visit:
for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3304]