Hey Gang.
Why is it that when I read this list I hear so much vitrol about our newly
and LEGALLY Elected President George W. Bush???  I know that Zen has alot
of dislike for his own personal reasons but hey I am willing to bet that at
the end of his Presidency, President Bush will NOT have to make a deal to
keep from being prosecuted for illegal activites while in office, not to
mention having to lie to the American people about having sex with interns
while in the Oval Ofice.  So mr.  Killian shall we give it a rest already?
As to ferrets as that IS supposed to be what this list is about... Our
Smokey is not doing well at all.  He isn't in any demonstrable pain but we
have to feed him with a feeding syringe.  Please keep him in your prayers.
Our Saber is going in for adrenal surgery the first week of Febuary.
Please keep him in your prayers too.
Our newest baby, Freda a M.F. Albino is still one very wired ferret!!!  I
hope she never slows down.  A side bar here please.  I know alot of people
out there do not like Marshall Farms for their alleged cruelty to ferrets.
Their end product however speaks for itself.  They have very loveable
ferrets for the most part ready for market.  No I didn't buy Freda, but my
daughters did and I thank them for this most wonderful addition to our
Busyness.  I do have CDC Ferrets in our group and personally, I love em to
pieces, but then I LOVE Ferrets so go figure!!
We have a newly formed Ferret Network going here in northern Nevada.  we
still are just getting it going and I hope it really takes off!!!  If you
live in the Reno area and own ferrets please consider joining us won't
Thank you and to all God Bless.
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It is for The Ferrets......
[Moderator's note: Someone (e.g. you, the Killians) slipping in a line
or two of political comment in an otherwise ferret-related post is ok.
More than that and I'll usually send it back as being too unrelated.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3303]