-Lissette I'll say to you what I did to Kevin ... "CONGRADUALTIONS, YOU
Pooooooor Lissette and Kevin left..wondering.
-Lisa W... I tried Bi-Odor for quite some time when it came out.  YES it
works.  It takes several days to a week for it to have an effect however.
But it works very well.  I stopped using it for two reasons.  a) it was not
cost effective for me with five ferts... for it to be effective you must
use the full dose, and the bottles are small and expensive.  b) I was
hesitant..  about using an internal solution for odor control.  It just had
me antsy to have my fur kids on something for the rest of their lives and
left me wondering what the long term effects of something like that were.
I realize they are just enzymes, and such, and that it is natural/safe, and
from a trusted company... but anything that alters something that much had
me antsy.  And probably for nothing.
-Cheryl... thanks for the bud ferret sounds.
-Marie... ferret bowling?  I mean I admit..  I went out and bought Targets
Bocce ball set Georgia suggested, and we do a little fert bocce here.
But... ok ferret bowling?  If I used Rocky as the bowling ball, he would
plow through the ferts, the door behind them, through the wall, and
continue south til he hit Lynn's fuzzies!!
Kristeen K... Which is worse..OCD or anal retentaveness?  Hmmm decisions
decisions.  Where do you live so I can come through your front door and
throw hair scrunchees all over the floor,etc just to watch you have a
conniption fit?
Mindy... have you checked on that monkey lately?  I think Joey accomplished
his mission.  There have been reports of a vibrating, green, sunglassed,
singing monkey on the prowl!
Tracey.... There is some widespread misconception that I have a large hoard
of undies and depends somewhere.  In fact rumor has it that I keep them
ready in my little red ... eeeer, my ferret's little red wagon.  What do
people think I'd use them for anyway, to fling at people as ammunition?  I
think not.  First off, I have a protective viral hubby by my side with a
ferret tuckas cocked and loaded at all times.  Second off, I am a very
serious person.  I do not partake of such antics.  Third off, those undies
sent were used to replace ones that were destroyed by posts such as yours!
There is no supply at hand.  I am using what I have.  The truth is I have
been in search of that perfect pair... for you.
Darn what is that at the window banging..........
::WILD THIIIIING YOU MAKE MY>>>::   oooh my goooooosh.....
Please visit:
for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3302]