TLE asked about what drugs besides Torbugesic can be used to put a little
one into a comfy state before euthanasia.  I have seen my vet use Telazol
(tiny amount and using the world's tiniest needle) for this twice with good
effect; the fuzzy seems to become completely limp and unaware within a
short period of time.  Because the injection stings, I have offered the
ferret a yummy treat to lick when the shot is given, and the one I was
holding while this happened didn't flinch or even stop licking his Bob's
chicken gravy.  He just licked slower and slower, sighed, and then was
very limp.
We still waited a little while before the final shot was given... One
fuzzy was very dehydrated and getting a vein would have been hard, so the
euth solution went into the liver; the other fuzzy was well-hydrated and
had good veins, so the euth solution went into a leg vein via butterfly
catheter.  The one that went into the vein was a bit faster, but neither
fuzzy gave any indication of noticing anything - they were VERY
anesthetized from the Telazol.
Here is a web page that mentions premedications before cardiac sticks,
often done in municipal animal shelters and also done in ferrets pretty
often (sorry the addy is so long it will line wrap, but if you copy and
paste it, it'll work):
Sorry if this subject is upsetting to anyone, but it is much better to
know your options ahead of time.
Best wishes to everyone,
-Pam S.
[Posted in FML issue 3302]