Dear Julie:
>Glucose 122  ( post proglycem)
>Total protein 11.6 (normal 5.2-7.5)
>Albumin 3.8
>Globulin 7.9
>Bun 34
>AST 105
>Basically everything was normal, except for the very high protein and
>globulin.  My question is, could this be caused by his mostly "Chicken
>Baby food" diet, or is this what is meant by Hypergammaglobulinemia?
>Should I be worried about ADV as a possiblity?  I should also mention his
>WBC was normal at 10.7.  My vet is also looking into this, but any help
>from this list would be appreciated.
Yes, the total protein and the globulin fractions are through the roof.
I would certainly recommend an ADV test in this case.  It is usually the
first thing that I think of when I see protein values this high.
Dietary changes may cause makred variations in glucose levels, but not
protein levels - even right after eating.  The body keeps the protein
levels within very strict guidelines, and they don't generally reflect
what the ferret is eating.
With kindest regards,
Bruce Williams, dVM
Bruce H. Williams, DVM, DACVP
Chairman, AFIP Dept. of Telemedicine
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
Washington, DC 20306-6000
(202) 782-2392
Ipsa scientia potestas est.
[Posted in FML issue 3302]