Anyone interested in a cuddly ferret?  He is a 2 year old male sable
and said to be in good health.
A woman called me today about a ferret in her neighborhood (an area
southwest of Philadelphia) who needs a home.  About a year ago, the boy
who cuts her lawn took over a ferret from a friend who didn't want him.
Now this boy (who is about 14, I think, spends all his time in school or
working and doesn't feel his ferret is getting enough attention.  I called
the boy, and it sounds like he genuinely cares about the ferret's welfare.
The ferret is in his cage all day while the boy is gone, but he is free
all night in the boy's room and sleeps with the boy every night.  The boy
cleans the cage every other day, so it sounds like this is an affectionate
ferret who is getting fairly decent care.
The woman who called me is concerned because the family is "a little rough"
and "going through some rough times." I didn't ask for the details, but it
concerns her enough to feel that the ferret should really have a new home
as soon as possible.
The boy is not looking for money.  He says the ferret and the cage are free
to anyone who already knows how to take care of ferrets.  Like I said, he
really seems to care about the little guy.  I don't think he's ever been
with other ferrets.  I'm sure I could find out more if you need me to.
Judith White
[Posted in FML issue 3302]