>He is not a MF ferret like my older male, and seems to be an albino,
>however, he also has some yellowing to his coat.  Is he really an albino,
>or could there be something wrong with his skin color or fur? ... (he
>does have the red eyes), or could he possibly be just an off colored
>ferret.  Latisha
Hi Latisha,
The ferret you mentioned is albino.  The discoloration of the fur means
that he or she wasn't fed very well and /or fed very poor quality of food.
All albinos, no matter how well they are taken care of, get a little
yellowing of the fur due to perspiration or the saliva of their cagemates
playing with them, but because this particular case you mentioned is an
abuse case, it is most likely due to poor feeding and/or malnutrition.
[Posted in FML issue 3301]