>From:    Linda Iroff <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: foozies and scerrets
Linda, Linda...
>And what to feed them is a problem.  Do they sell Totally Battery on the
You can contact Duracell about that.  Energizer also has a good food for
scerrets and foozies.  Look how long they've kept that rabbit going!
>Do these mix critters poop little electronic parts?  Can you bathe them
>without shorting them out??
They poopie small springs, screws, and small wires and I certainly wouldn't
recommend bathing them!  This generally results in scerrets and foozies
with curly hair.
>And you don't dare clean their  ears with metal toothpicks!
And if you do, make sure that you are standing on a rubber mat!
>We are entering dangerous ground here...
[Posted in FML issue 3284]