Dear Mark:
>We have a six-year-old fuzzie who has been diagnosed with probable
>Lymphosarcoma.  We've read the FAQ, searched the internet, read all the
>books we can on the subject.  The summary of what we've found is this
>_may_ add 6 months to 3 years to her life.
>Our vet had a ferret with the same problem, gave him chemo, and the
>ferret was miserable and didn't enjoy the rest of his life.  She does
>not recommend it.
Cart before the horse.  You say the diagnosis is "probably lymphosarcoma".
What tests have been done?
Chemotherapy is not a benign process, as your vet's previous experience
will indicate.  You need a definitive diagnosis of lymphoma before
chemotherapy is even anticipated - chemotherapy is actually not very
likely to cause remission in a ferret with lymphoma, but definitely will
make one that doesn't have pretty sick.
Perhaps if you reviewed the case, I may be able to give you some more
specific information.
With kindest regards,
Bruce Williams, dVM
[Posted in FML issue 3301]