I have heard so much about wood pellets recently so I decided to buy some.
I haven't used any but could those of you who have tried it write to me
to tell me the good and the bad of it?  Also, has anyone used the product
"Bi-Odor" by Marshall?  The smell of ferret stool or urine (I'm not sure)
is almost making me nautious.  I have got a covered garbage with a scented
thing inside but it still gets to me.  Bi-Odor claims it gets rid of this
smell ... If you have used this product PLEASE tell me if it is any good!
Lisa, Bentley and Cinnamon
PS.  My two ferts are getting along now. (YAY!!!)  Except Bentley still has
WAY MORE evergy than Cinnamon so he is constantly trying to get her up from
sleeping to play with him.  She gets kinda annoyed but oh well.  She'll
have to learn to keep up!!
[Posted in FML issue 3301]