Aw Heck--
When I sent my post in yesterday about TJ ferrets where the NJ xmas rescue
ferrets came from, I left out the .com in one of the emails.  The correct
email addresses to send complaints about the website are
[log in to unmask]
 or [log in to unmask]
Please pass this on and get as many people as possible to send emails
asking for the removal of this website.  This is very important they have
an online catalog and are selling ferret supplies, so this website is
potentially still making them money.  Also can you believe that they have
a Kista banner up even though Kim took in some of the ferrets that were
seized from their "shelter" and has asked to removed several times--it is
very misleading to say the least!!
By working on this together we can send the message that ferret abuse will
not be tolerated
If anyone has any questions/comments please email me
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[Posted in FML issue 3301]