Well, Christmas and New Year's have come and gone (thank goodness!) and I
sincerely hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday season.
While house cleaning (looking for lost tree ornaments), I came across my
husband's favorite toy: a remote controlled Dodge Viper.  He was worse than
the kids on Christmas Day!  (Mind you, I had hidden it on purpose to keep
him from terrorizing the cat.) The war dancing crew almost unanimously love
this toy!  Lighting isn't too thrilled with it, but Pea Pie and Thunder
will chase it around for as long as the battery will last, and when the
battery dies, they try to tote it off to a hidey hole.  I'm about to lose
my mind, but every one else is enjoying themselves, so I guess I shouldn't
complain...Oh, no.  Hubby is now trying to hook a trailer up to a sports
car!  Help!  Someone save me from this madness!
On a semi saner note, I'm trying to get a local ferret club and shelter
started here in Central Alabama.  Anyone in the Tuscaloosa/Birmingham area
who's interested in helping out with ideas and club membership, e-mail me
privately and we'll try and get this thing rolling...Starting off the New
Millennium helping our fuzzies is the best resolution to be made.  (Ah!
Remember, the calendar we follow started with the year 1, not 0! LOL)
Time to rescue the couch again.  Blessings to the sick and angeled.
Remember, our babies are blessings on their own, treat them to the best.
Tammy & the Crew Pea Pie, Thunder, Lightning, Baby the furcat,
and Ramses the (somewhat) ignored canine...
"Trying to explain ferret math to a non-ferret owner
 is like trying to explain physics to a 3 year old."
[Posted in FML issue 3285]