At what age, if any, do you feel it is safe to forgo rabies and distemper
vaccinations?  And if the ferret has some pretty severe reactions to both,
and is getting up there in age (7)?  Right now we are getting by with a pre
shot of Dexamethasone, then a shot of Benedryl afterwards, if not she goes
into anaphlastic(sp?) shock.
Vicki L. Henderson-aka-Ferret Fanatic
Woody, Miss Tizzy, Ginger Snap, General Kaos & Taylor!
Tygger-The Great Anti-Ferret!
Sadly missing "Buzz" & "Jinx"-who will be in our hearts forever.
The Fearless FLO!
Ferret Holiday Hammocks:
ICQ:  11898312
[Posted in FML issue 3300]