Hi all
Well I guess I asked for this.  I should have been quiet about it being
slow.  I will learn to keep my big muzzle shut.
A little boy came in today named Fang.  He waz met by Nibble, Bailey,
Renny, Taz, Pepto, Gizmo, Mojo, and Bootsie.  Da first thing to do waz to
introduce all da parties so they know each other as they are from four
different families.  There waz introductions all around and everyone got
to know who waz who.  Then they headed off to get a snack at da Fruit Bar
to tide them over.  They set off to explore and show Fang all da sights
and attractions.  They headed over to da Flying Lessons.  I assigned an
instructor as waz procedure but I doubt he will need it.  He waz soon off
soaring and dipping through da sky trying out hiz new wings.  As is also
normal hiz landings are not real good and will require work.  He said to
tell hiz mommy and daddy dat he feels great and there is not more pain.
He also said to send hiz luv and lots of hugs and cuddles.
A little guy came through kinda in a hurry.  Hiz name waz Sammy.  He waz
in a hurry to get to da Gravy Gourmet but did not know where it waz and he
waz sorta running in circles trying to follow hiz nose but it wasn't giving
him da right directions.  I gave him da tour so he could find what he waz
looking for but didn't finish right away as he stopped at da Gravy Gourmet
for a long time.  When he slowed a little in hiz eating I told him he could
come back later and have all he wanted.  Although I don't know if dat is
correct as hiz definition of all he wants may be different than mine and we
may have to put on another cook to keep up with da demand.  So we continued
da tour.  He ended up over at Dirt Mountain where he said he waz going to
dig for a while.  He didn't say where or for what but just to dig for da
sake of digging and da fun of it.  He said he felt bunches better and with
all this chicken gravy and dirt what more did a ferret need.  He said to
send lots of luv and many, many kisses to hiz mommy.
A little guy came in later named Simba.  He was met by Keesha, Izzy, Kiera,
Rex and Felicia.  Tehy were real happy to see him and were all interested
in da happenings at home and wanted to know all da gossip.  They talked for
some time and then headed off to da Fruit Bar to grab a rasin or two or
three.  They ate quite a bit there but you are right as there will always
be rasins here for us.  Then they headed off on a tour of da place to show
where all da attractions and da sights were.  They ended up over at da
Otter Slide where they were intereted in doing some sliding and a little
splashing.  As it turns out they did more splashing than sliding.  They
started a big water fight dat lasted for some time.  Da result waz dat
there were a lot of soggy ferrets and not real cler cut winner but nobody
seemed to care a bunch about dat.  They then headed off to Hammock Haven
to catch a nap and dry out.  He said to send lots of luv and bunches and
bunches of kisses to hiz mommy.
I think I will also find me a comfortable hammock over there for a little
nap.  Gotto go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3300]