Hi Friends!
Jerimiah here!  Well lots of busy things going on around here..  The best
part is -- I have new friends -- For sure!  The pet shop ferrets that came
from the NJ rescue -- heck we all have been playing together for a few
days.  Now these new kids are a little shabby on ferret tricks, but not for
long!  I am busily teaching the tricks of stealing the ferretone bottle.
Heck shelter Mom is so impressed that she let them all come room with me
today... intensive training session!  They all like Cheerio's and are a
blast to play with too!  Even Rex likes these kids.  One gal moved in with
a family-- she has a pet ferret named Nike who is finding out what it is
like being dominated by a gal ferret, her name is Reilly.  That's pretty
neat.  I am taking a particular shine to the tiny little blaze gal-- she
sure is somethin' special I am gonna find a special name for her!
The older guy and one of these gals too maybe are having a-drenal problem--
whatever that is, so Mom has said they get to stay here a while!  Neat I am
sooo excited with new friends.  The nippy kids are getting better, and Mom
is starting to act more her ol' self.
Bear and Sterling had to see the vet lady today.  Bear had lots of fluid
in his belly which they took away..  I heard it was like bursting a water
balloon-- then my poor buddy Sterling -- he was doing pretty good a while
back-- but in the past 10 days his kidneys and liver gave him lots of
trouble, he didn't want to eat and was looking the color of ferretone too!.
The folkses have been fussing over him somefin' awful -- today the vet
helped Sterling go find Sandee-- so he can play at the Rainbow Bridge with
Ewok, and all the other older kids.  Mom felt really, really terrible and
she came and gave me an extra hug.
The folks here are going to have some neat new ideas for building up the
veterinary funds-- so all the kids who need operations won't have to wait.
They have special engraved pens with me running and chasing a heart on them
that they will be selling soon - or donating to folks who send a special
donation to help with vet care.  They hope to raise enough funds to be able
to do ADV tests on all the new kids this year-- and all the ferrets who
need to be spayed & tutored that arrive here.  It sounds like a party for
the whole year doesn't it?  I just love parties -- with LOTS of ferrets!
There is also a beautiful print by Clara Rodriguez which Mom took to the
framers shop-- the shelter folks will be selling raffle tickets soon for
it -- and it will be raffled in June.  My these gorgeous pole cat faces
on the desert are just great!  Look guys you need to smile like me--
This week on ebay- there is some really neat stuff to help raise funds for
all of us new and old kids here at Ferret Wise shelter:
Special Valentine tiedye sleeper  ends 1/18
Ferret Cookie cutter gift set   ends 1/19
Betty Boop on purple delux sleeper   ends  1/19
Big fleece lined Sack for ferrets    ends 1/21
Fruit Salad delux sleeper   ends 1/26
Ferretville, NH Mug     ends 1/26
Shelter Helper night starts up again next Thursday January 25th at 5:30
don't forget to come & play with us.  ( The folks will feed you some dinner
after) The shelter vet will have given everyone rabies vaccinations by then
so those kids waiting for new families can go to new homes.  Oh yes and
check out all our pics on the shelter web site- go to adoptions-- click
on see photos after the text block!  See you then Jerimiah
Jr Mascot, Ferret Wise Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 3300]