Hello!  My fiancee & I are going nuts trying to find wood stove pellets.
We tried many fireplace stores, home improvement stores, etc.  People sell
wood stoves, but not wood stove pellets.  Oh yah, that makes sense!
So if any of you wonderful ferrety people live in IL (I live in Elgin)
please oh please email me [log in to unmask] and let me know where you
purchase your wood stove pellets!  Don't worry if the place you go to
sounds too far away from me, my fianc=E9 drives around a lot for work.
Thanks so much!
*hugs n' dooks*
Amy & the brat pack ;O)
Visit Miya, Nina, Rascal, Jack, Joey, & Koty the doggie @
BTW the link to Koty's Page wrong, if you wanna see him go to:
[Posted in FML issue 3299]