Hi all
Things here have been kinda slow lately which is a good thing.
A little girl named Rikki came in today.  She waz met by Gentleman Big,
Smokey, Slinky and a bunch of others.  They were all happy to see her and
were anxious to get news and gossip from home.  Everyone sat down and
listened while Rikki told them all da stuff she knew.  They talked for some
time and after they were finished they had to stop by da Fruit Bar to get a
snack before they headed off.  Then it waz tour time and off they went to
show her all da attractions and da sights.  They finally ended up over at
da Crazy Kar races where some had grabbed cars and some cheered da ones in
cars.  They had a real good if not aggressive race going on.  There waz a
lot of cheering and raceing.  A good time waz had by all.  She said to not
worry dat she feels better and she will be here when they get here.  She
said to pass on her luv and lots of ferret kisses and hugs.
I think it is time to look for some more cheweasels to tide me over.
Gotto go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3299]