As I sit at the computer my three little fuzzies are cuddled together in a
big round cat bed near my feet.  The way they are curled right now, with
one stretched out in the middle and the other two in a semi- circle on each
side, just reminded me for some reason of the Charlie's Angel fighting
silhoutte that is being promoted for the movie.  Can you imagine (hee hee
hee) a Fuzzie Angel show (that's what I call my babies - even when they're
bad!).  I can just picture three fuzzies stretching out and war-dancing for
their silhoutte shot, then running off in three different directions to
conquer the evils of the world.  Well, maybe just locate hidden chew-eez
and free Cheerios (like Jerimiah - good job buddy!).
On another note, it took a few weeks but Jill finally got me trained.  When
I eat breakfast I now put aside a couple of Cheerios broken up.  As I eat
she sits at my feet and I periodically give her a Cheerio piece.  What can
I say - she did a good job!  She gets a few to herself, and I get the whole
bowl for myself (without being attacked and ambushed!). (-:
Oops, one more thing!  Last year when I had just Mikette she left Christmas
presents and bows alone.  I just put gift bags up high.  This year she
has two sisters, so I figured I better see how it goes before I wrap
everything.  I put my nephew's birthday gift under the tree.  Everyone
ignored it!  (Of course I didn't put it under the tree until the fun of
scooping water out of the tree bowl ended (-: )  Well, I was very happy
with my good fuzzie crew.  Until the day of the party.  I put the gift in
front of the door to remind myself.  This exciting move of five feet was
apparently too much for Mikette.  She decided she better check out this
gift before it left, got to make sure Mom's not giving away Chew-ees or
anything!  She stuck her little nose in the side flaps til they ripped,
then with her paw made her way up the side of the package.  Of course I
watched, took a picture, and then rescued the gift right before rewrapping
would have been necessary.  Hey, not like a two year old couldn't use a
little help anyways!  LOL
OK, that's plenty of rambling for now!
[Posted in FML issue 3265]