First, thanks again to all who expressed concern and gave reassurance.  It
helps to know there is so much support out there.
Next, Tink is doing much better.  Saw the vet, she was hydrated sub-Q and
perked right up.  Now she's working her way back to the little butterball
she was.  Bloodwork shows that she's not anemic but we're still waiting on
liver enzymes.
The best part of this was my oldest cat, Tigger.  Whenever I'm sick, he's
my little (big) shadow.  So when I would leave for work, I'd tell him to
take care of Tink.  And when my SO would get home he'd find Tigger and
Tink in our bed, snuggled together.  I wish I had a picture.
And last, I'm in BIG trouble.  The receptionist at the vet (who is also a
ferret lover) was reading Ferrets Magazine and saw the list of shelters.
Drum role.....there's a shelter about ten minutes from me.  Oh, no!!!
Ferret math is coming for me.  Again.  The best part is that Troy (my SO)
agreed that it'd be great to be a foster home.  Unfortunately for him,
"foster" for me probably will be "permanent".  (Shhh, don't tell him.)
Oh, one more thing.  Someone on the FML (I don't remember who) had
mentioned that she and her husband had gotten a fert as a Christmas gift
to each other.  Well, Tink was our Valentine's gift to each other.  Our
friends and family just shake their heads.  : )
Spoil those fuzzies, they're so very special.
[Posted in FML issue 3267]