Hello all,
My husband and I are trying to change the laws regarding ferret ownership
in Jefferson County, Kentucky.  The head of Animal Control , Eric Blow,
has had an unfortunate experience with a ferret some years ago ( believes
ferrets are biting and nipping machines) , and while I cannot speak for
him, I believe this colors his current attitude.
We are in need of some hard data.  If any one of you has access to your
own state records regarding animal bites, please email me.  Any info is
welcome, and we'd appreciate links as well.  This gentleman alleges that
"several" deaths can be attributed to ferrets .  I believe he is mistaken.
Please email me at : [log in to unmask]
Many thanks,
Kym Zorn Long
Wayward Weasel
Louisville, Ky
[Posted in FML issue 3267]