Hi all, Just wanted to share a cute story with you.  My son wanted to see
what my little Marty would do with snow.  So I said he had to bring it
into the house because I wasn't taking ANY chances with him getting loose
outside (very protective Mommie here) anyway, I got him a box & he went
outside to get the snow.  He brought it in, put it on the floor & put Marty
in the box.  Before he could stand back up Marty was flying straight up &
out of the dredded snow box & shooting across the room.  He stopped, layed
flat out on the floor & looked at that box like it was gonna eat him!  I
have never seen anything so funny before in my life.  I then went to pick
up my little boy & was going to put him back in the box, but when I bent
over to do this his little back legs wrapped around my arm for dear life.
So needless to say Mommie couldn't do that to him.  I put him down on the
floor & he did his little dance all the way around the box then went to
peek inside it.  As he was doing this he tipped the box over on top of him
with the snow all over him & the carpet.  Have you ever seen a ferret that
looked like it was wound to tight???  I have seen some funny stuff since
we brought him home but this one takes the cake.  They are just so darn
entertaining that I can't believe it.
Well, I hope everyone out there has a wonderful Christmas & also that all
your little carpet sharks get just what they want from Santa ferret.  I
think Mine has more presents under the tree than anyone else.  Oh well.
Jo & Marty
[Posted in FML issue 3266]