Hi all
I guess I spoke to soon.  After every draught comes da storm.
A little guy named Cloud Dancer came in today.  He waz greeted by Scruffe,
Peanutbutter, Tottles and a bunch of others.  They welcomed him warmly.
They were all interested in what had been going on at home and all da
gossip there.  He talked for some time.  There waz so many questions and
such dat it took a long time to get through it.  Then it waz time to hit da
Fruit Bar cause as you know gossiping is hungry work.  They about cleaned
it out too.  Then they were off to explore da place to show Cloud all da
sights and attractions.  There waz a rather large group of them all talking
at once and giving advice.  It waz quite a sight to see all those little
ones traveling together.  Cloud Dancer said to tell his daddy dat he feels
bunches better here and it looks like he haz plenty to do until they met
again.  He said to also to send hiz luv and lots of cuddles.
Another little guy named Tiberius came in later.  He waz trying to drag a
bunch of stuff with him when he got here so we postponed da tour and went
over to Dirt Mountain to dig him a den for hiz stuff.  I helped him get all
da stuff over there and then enlisted a couple of others to help him dig a
den for it.  Actually it didn't take much to get them digging cause these
are natural engineers and luv to dig in da dirt anyway.  They got it laid
out and dug in no time and he had a nice cosy little den with connecting
tunnels for hiz stash.  After dat we went over and got a small bite to eat
at da Babyfood Balconey because digging builds an appetite as everyone
knows.  Then finally I took him on a tour of da place and showed him all da
sights and attractions.  He was real impressed with everything here and da
help he had gotten to get settled in.  He said to tell hiz mommy dat he
felt a lot better and to send hiz luv and bunches of kisses.
Another little guy came in named Oliver.  I took him on a tour of da place
and showed him where all da sights and attractions were.  I gave him your
message and he said dat you hadn't waited to long and maybe a little pain.
But there is no pain now and he said he felt better than he had in years.
He said he felt like running so we were off to da Tube Park to enter da
tube races.  He found a partner and they were soon in da heat of da
competition.  They did do well though as he waz not real good at it and hiz
handoff waz not real good but he had a lot of fun at it and what he lacked
in skill he made up for in energy.  He sat da next one out and watched all
da races to maybe pick up some pointers and figure out where hiz weak areas
were so he could practice.  He said to send hiz mommy and daddy lots of luv
and lots and lots of hugs.
I am off to da Reflecting Pool to check on home and see how they are doing
for da holidays.  There seems to be a lot of dat going on lately.  Gotto
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3266]