For all those curious ferrets out there, and we know that's each and every
one, here are a few warnings to get you through the holidays.  Listen up ye
fur children.
Beware of humans wrapping gifts, for thou art wrappable.
Remember thy present, and steal it oft.
Be wary of humans carrying gifts, for thou may be stepped on.
Remember, thy human already has a tree topper, and thou mayest end up in
time out.
Beware of small humans with stick on bows, for thou art a good target.
Remember small humans with new toys rarely share, so steal what thy
wilt,but knowest they move quickly.
Be wary of thy humans punch bowl, for the next day thou shalt feel awful.
Remember thy human is a soft touch, so kiss up oft, for the treats flow
freely at Christmas.
Beware of Christmas lights, for thou wilt light up too.
Remember the small humans get goodies, and if thou art quick, thou mayest
share in the booty.
Beware the Christmas tree branch, for it bites back.
Remember thou wilt get more treats, if thy human does not find you dangling
from a branch with a candy cane in thy mouth.
Keep all these things in mind o fuzzies, and you will make it to New Years.
[Posted in FML issue 3264]