Twas the night before Christmas, and All through the house
not a creature was stirring but the ferrets with their mouse.
The children were snuggled all tight in their beds
with visions of ferrets dooking in  their heads.
With pa in his t-shirt and I in my gown,
we decided it was near time to lay down
When all of the sudden their rose such a clatter,
I leaped from the bed to see what was the matter.
With what to my wondering eyes should appear?
All of our ferrets were chasing reindeer!
Santa was screaming, "Hey what's going on?"
but suddenly without notice the ferrets were gone.
We searched hi and lo with no sign of our pets,
I yelled "Checks Santa's Bag" and Pa said "Yes, Let's"
The ferrets had opened every bag and each box
on each fuzzies head hung one pair of socks!
They appeared to be grinning, and I swear I heard a giggle
when the bottom of the pile, began to wiggle.
Out came the baby, the smallest of all
with all the christmas candy molded into a ball!
The ferrets had outsmarted Santa this year,
but we couldn't stop laughing, we were filled with such cheer.
We apologized to Santa and helped fill his Sleigh,
We gave him a push and he went on his way.
Pa rounded up the fuzzies and put them to bed
I kissed each one on the top of the head.
Santa couldn't bring anything better this year
to top all our fuzzies who run around here.
But we looked in our stockings when up came the sun
and lo and behold there was a new ferret in each one.
"Yeah! I exclaimed and jumped with such Glee!
I knew someone out there was thinking of me!"
I called mine Silver and Pa called his Bell
and we added them to our business, This Christmas was Swell!
[Posted in FML issue 3263]