That's right people, a ferret with a gun!  Two inches long, it's just a
small handgun, looks about like my father's old Colt, and came with a
little holster.  Here's the kicker - it's a real working cap pistol!  I
have, quite inadvertantly, bought my ferret a REAL gun!  Mahahahaha!  I
had no idea it was functional.
Yesterday I looked at small rifles, but they came in kits with a military
uniform, boots, helmet etc., and were $15.  Phooey.  The one I got today
was from a Rite Aid that is closing, and it was the last one.  I even saw
packages of caps on the next hook but had no idea they were for that gun.
Can you imagine what would happen if Kouri's gun were 'fired' in the
house?  Six ferrets would bottle brush their tails, and two would poof.
Three ferrets would run and leap into tubes and other hidy places, and
two ferrets would stand and look bewildered.  And Kouri would jump up and
down and fluff up all his fur and ask me to do it again!
Kouri LOVES his gun.  I was holding it against his chest, wondering if I
could make him a shoulder holster, and he GRABBED it and wouldn't let go.
When I finally got it pried out of his mouth, he clutched it with his paws.
Just about the time I got it away from him, one of his paws slipped into
the split ring (keyring) that's attached to the holster.  I tell you, that
boy is taking his NRA vows a bit too seriously!
[Posted in FML issue 3262]