Hi!  Just a quick update to let you know what's out there for auction on
Ebay.  All of these auctions benefit the Pennsylvania Ferret Rescue
Association of Westmoreland County.  There are several cute hammocks that
would make a GREAT holiday gift for your fuzzy on the Ferret Giving Tree,
hint hint!! :> (which by the way, is a KICK-BUTT idea!!!  Thanks Judy and
Christmas Tree Hammock - $8
Reindeer Hammock and Gift Stocking Set - $15
Christmas Lightbulb Hammock & Gift Stocking Set - $15
County Christmas Hammock and Gift Stocking Set -
Poo-Chi Robot Puppy - $17
Tekno Robot Puppy - $24
Plush Holiday Hammock & Cage Bottom Liner - $27
Thanks for everyone's support!  Our auctions have been successful thus far
and I really appreciate it!
<On a more personal note, my little boy Tigger who was diagnosed with
cardio is doing better.  He is on enalapril and lasix now.  I will get a
second opinion from Dr. Weiss at the end of December.  So far, so good.
Thank you once again for all of your suggestions, help and overall
out-pouring of support.  It was wonderful to have so many understanding
and caring friends!  I get worked up just thinking about it.... :*] >
Happy Holidays to everyone and warm snuggles to all your fuzzies from me
and mine!
Erin Simkins
Fundraising Coordinator
Planned Ferrethood, PFRA Westmoreland County
[Posted in FML issue 3261]