Hi All,
Well I actually survived another visit from the Garcias.  Well part of them
at least.  lol.
I went into St. Louis Tuesday to take Cath and Val to meet a friend of
mine.  Since it was for a show, at a bar, Val had to have some good ole
missouri beer, which is quite a bit stronger than what they serve in Utah
(6. comparied to 3.2).
My car is no longer a virgin when it comes to someone throwing up in it.
lol.  Val made sure of that on the way home from the bar.
Most of the boys in the band can't wait for Val to come back.  She has
been voted unamiously a hottie.
Cath let me see some pics of her visit with the Ferretguy.  And told me
how jealous Hubert got with a new ferret visiting.
We are still plotting to get her back out here where she belongs.  Then
her guys can get mauled by the Mob all the time.
Maggie and her Marvelous Mob of Munchkins in Mid Missouri
An' I don't want much outa life, I never wanted a mansion in the South.
I just-a want to find someone sincere,
Who'd treat me like he talks, One good man.
Janis, One Good Man
[Posted in FML issue 3261]