I guess Kouri deserves congrats for all his achievements.  Based on the
stories of a social acquaitnace who is a gun smith/blacksmith who had
ferrets I think we have little to fear from ferrrets.
According to Doc his ferrets made daily raids into the machine shop and
stole guns, gun parts and ammunition.  They set up the HQ under a bed in
an upstaris bedroom.  Fortunately he discovered their plans for revolution
while doing one of his rare cleanings for company.  He found the guns, gun
parts and ammunition.  Fortunately for him, the guns and the ammuntition
were the wrong sizes, and the gun parts wouldn't repari the stolen guns,
again mismatches.  They hadn't gotten hold of gunpowder tor reloading
either.  He took back his guns, ammunition and gun parts, replaced them
with toys and treats and blocked off the ferrets access to the machine
shop.  There were no more attempts at revolutions.
My ferrets have shown no interest in spent ammunition cartridiges or my
handgun when I clean it after going to the shooting range.
[Posted in FML issue 3261]