Hugs and kisses to all the sick/angeled fuzzies and their humans....
Well, I have to add a couple of ferret sightings to the list.  The first
was actually in a mystery novel I was reading and the ferret there was
stuffed in what sounded like an awful pose!  But I think it counts....The
second was today when I finally crawled out of bed.  Animal Planet's Pet
Project was doing a segment on a familiar shelter.  One of the ferrets
was Harley!  Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that Harley "Bug"?
Congratulations on getting out the word about shelters and ending the
"ferocious ferret" myth!!  Well, I'm off to see if the show won't be
rerunning anytime soon (I'll have the VCR set up to catch it next time!!)
since I only caught the last 2 minutes of it this go 'round!
Blessings & Happy Holidays (Yule, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwannza, etc..)
Tammy & the Crew
Pea Pie, Thunder, Lightning,
Baby the furcat, and Ramses
the (somewhat) ignored canine...
[Posted in FML issue 3261]