>From:    Hayley Logan <[log in to unmask]>
>P.s: For the ferret owner who's ferret went to ferret heaven and had a
>liking for balloons i saw a blue balloone floating up there yesterday.
>for some reason he poped into my mind
>Tarzan?  was that the lill buggers name?  well im sure it was floating up
>to him.
Yes Hayley!  That was him!!  My Tarzan.  Though... he was one BIG
bugger... :) And handsome!  Thank you so much for remembering.  I get
tears in my eyes, and more, when someone remembers my Tarz and his love
for balloons.  He was a true matey, that big ole guy.  Thank you!  Thank
you!  Oh, and I thought that was a car backfiring I heard yesterday.  But
it was really Tarz taking his flying leap and popping that balloon!!!!
Lynn, lucky to have loved Tarzee
[Posted in FML issue 3261]