Hello All,
I am only 12 years old female and from the uk!
I am owned by two adorable lill fuzzies called Snowy and Fluffy!
Seems as next years summer hollidays will be here in a few months YAY...
i would like to try and find a shelter that i would be alloud to help out
at!  Please if any shelter owuld like some more helpers.  id be happy to
do it for free unless you insist on paying me i would only take i lill
bit because i would rather you spend it on the ferrets and the shelter!
My fuzzies (my owners) have had me since the 1stt of July 200o and are just
about learning not to nipp, and i am less scared of them nipping me than at
fist now!
I am despretly in need of seeing loads of ferrets because i am so in love
with the pretty things and i wanna c more!  AAARRRRGGGHHH its soooo anoying
i am not alloud to have any more at the moment and if i do it will prob b
two hobs!  after ive got mah jills spayed!
Well thats enough from me now, Ill have to go ne wayz, Speak to you all
hopefully soon, please reply!
Ohh yes one other helpful tipp i live in Tamworth in
Staffordshire, UK (England)
Kaye, Snowy and Fluffy :)
[Posted in FML issue 3261]