HI all  Jerimiah-
Well things is picking up around here yuk, yuk!  Theys' got the shelter all
cleaned up and sparklin clean on Sunday, then today the young kids, whilst
we were in the back playroom they had a party!  The boys Hershey & Nestle
did the water dish spins on their heads-- they spilled it all over
newspaper then dug it all up!  My heros!  Then one of the kids dumped over
the pellet bucket with the clean pellets and they all went skating!!!  Man
I was just wishing I could get through the door and play with 'em!  They
sure have the ferret fun down pat!
Then Mom came in and what funny noises she made.  Next thing you got it the
vaccy machine comes on- she is picking up papers, sucking up them pellet
things-- and the rice she is cleaning all the spilled rice we all goes
skatin on!  What a party pooper she is.  She said it needs to look nice for
the visitin' folks, aw' come on!  Theys would like to play on skatin' rice
I bet too!
So anyway we alls got to go to cage but we did get 5 hours to really play
hard in.  I hopes tomorrow them kids take it easy-- this old girl is gonna
fall apart if they have this much fun everyday!  See I did teach them well-
and shelter Mom has caught on - she told Rex and them not to tell mischief
secrets to the kids in the next cage.
I tried real hard to get out of the cage after she tucked us in-- I was
digging & digging at the newspaper and all- I saw the Mom she was flapping
her mouth and waving her arms, but I couldn't hear her-- no sir!  She
finally figured it out and turned away.  Funny it is nice sometimes not to
be able to hear-- I think she was tellin me to do a good job rearranging
the cage-- what do you think?
Some of the wreaths arrived today-- aunt Judy brought us one for the
shelter-- it is sooo nice smells like a walk in the woods now.  There is
one on the porch and she is bringing more on Saturday.  I want to see the
tree they got growin' in the house next door-- I didn't know you could grow
them inside-- maybe we will get one too!  I am so happy to think all you
folks that visit will bring me some of those goodies they have-- I just
can't wait!
Big 'ol Bear is taking medicine again he got a UTI this time-- Mom said his
belly is a bit big -- so he is taking some medicine - the poor old guy!
But I bet he won't even want treats -- so that means more for me!  If you
need directions to A Ferrets Holiday Open House at Ferret Wise Shelter this
Saturday-- just email or call-- we all will be happy to tell you how to get
here.  Sat 11AM-2PM at the shelter- the folks will have the shop open from
11AM-3PM so come on by!
Jr Mascot
Ferret Wise Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 3260]