Dooks to all and my sincere condolences to those who have sick babies or
have lost a fur child.  I'm writing from work today because haven't had
much time at home-got nuts, took on a part-time Christmas job to help
cover Socks' medical and any emergency vet bills he might have.
I would, first of all, like to address the post Joseph listed today.  I've
talked with Joseph concerning Smokey through e-mail.  He's a bright,
intelligent young man who dearly loves his ferret-is doing a 'bang-up'
job in my opinion as a ferret owner.  I noted that in his frustration he
mentioned he might leave this list.  Please, understand, whoever is
e-mailing him-he is doing the best he can do, just as all of us do for our
ferrets, and continually (from the sound of it) contacting him is going
to drive him away.  Why not let him do what he's doing, quit 'harping' at
him-it will do no good, only make him angry, which he sounds to that point
right now.  None of us like having that done to us, so please, stop!  We
don't need to lose another member, and Joseph, as all the rest of us, can
learn so much from each other-we are all a continual learning experience.
I know you don't feel you're harassing him, that you're assisting him, but
I feel Joseph has reached the saturation point!  Please, you've given the
advice, now let the person it's been given to take it and do with it what
he wishes.
"Beckers" mentioned the thought of a ferret on a rifle/target range
haunting them, and Georgia said he could blam away on gut instinct.  Now,
picture this-NRA meeting (have no idea what it would look like-go with
this).  Men and women sitting around, door flies open and here comes Kouri,
cami-pants, hunting vest, little hat, "I LOVE CHARLTON HESTON" button on,
gun slung over his shoulder.  He could entertain them all by shooting
raisins instead of clay pigeons, maybe run up a dress or two (you know,
runner in the panty-hose).  Now, envision the shooting range.  Kouri has
on his ear protectors and he's sitting on the shooter's shoulder, reaches
over gives an ear kiss-gun goes in the air, shoots at nothing, or he slips
the ear protectors off whoever is shooting, the vision of this is just
hysterical.  We all know Kouri won't be out there on the range while
they're firing, he'll be too busy stealing ammunition from behind them
(FLO members be alerted).  Can you see Charlton Heston with a ferret on
his shoulder as he hands Kouri an award?????
Socks seems to be holding his own.  He goes in for his 2nd Lupron shot this
Friday, but I swear he already has some 'peach fuzz' on his tummy and
shoulders.  His Clavamox is almost gone and I know he's definitely not
going to miss that little go round.
And finally:
You know you're a ferret owner when:
You find yourself looking for soft baby blankets-not for babies or
grandchildren, but for your ferrets
You have safety plugs in the electrical outlets so the fuzzies can't get
You're buying chicken and all the necessary ingredients for gravy-when the
clerk asks if you're making chicken and noodles you automatically reply,
no chicken gravy for my ferrets
You've taken the handles off of desks to keep the ferrets from climbing up,
not to keep children out
You find yourself leaving a party early because the ferrets need their
You learn to shuffle instead of walk so you don't step on a ferret
Rebecca & the Crew of Merry Mayhem
[Posted in FML issue 3259]