Dr. Williams and everyone who emailed me privately, Thank you all for your
responses to my dilema.  Being the ultra-paranoid ferret mommy that I am,
I called my vet to get his opinion on Smokey and her "sudden" nipple
appearance.  She is eating, drinking, and sleeping fine, has no hair loss,
and is energetic as always.  The vet still suggested bringing her in and
checking for adrenal, so tomorrow we go to the vet.  Bandit of course will
tag along for moral support.  Please keep your fingers crossed and Smokey
in your heart that all is well with her.
I know it is a personal decision, but my little ones will need to be going
for their vaccines soon.  They were fine for the first two years, then
last year Bandit had a reaction.  Luckily we weren't very far from the
vet office when he started throwing up.  We took him back to the vet and
they monitored him, but they said it wasn't a severe reaction.  They told
us our options for next time were to not vaccinate, vaccinate with benadryl
beforehand, or vaccinate normally and keep him there to monitor.  I know
a lot of folks have mixed feelings on this, but any input would be
appreciated as we just want to do what is best for our fuzzy furrballs.
I have been agonizing over this decision for over a year now and feel I
am nowhere closer to a resolution :(
Thanks for the help!
Christine and the fuzzy angels, Smokey and Bandit
[Posted in FML issue 3259]