Hi, I am owned by a 3 month old ferret (Tigger).  We've had her since she
was 8 weeks old and we've fallen madly in love with her.
I have wanted a ferret since I was a child and never got one so I just had
to get one for my son when he asked.
Tigger has been a great joy to us and it has me thinking of getting her a
So, my question's are...
- Is two ferrets any harder to care for than one?
- Is it harder to train a ferret if theres two of them?
- Do ferret's need other ferrets to play with or would one be fine without
  ever having a ferret playmate?
- And, are there any ferret rescues in Kentucky, and how do I go about
  getting info.?
We bought our first ferret from Marshall farms so I was thinking of
rescuing our next.
 Cynthia Baker
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 ___/      /__\ \ \ /__\ \ \ /__\ \ \------------The Bakers-----------
(___.'\_______)\_)_)___)\_)_)___)\_)_)-----Jerry, Cynthia & Corey-----
Yukon, Spirit, Lobo, Lakota & Cherokee
  ***Home Of The Siberian Husky***
                                Antioch Shore's Kennel
                               ___ICQ Member #1594299___
[Posted in FML issue 3257]