Okay, how about a few more You Know You're a Ferret Owner When:
- *I* get sick and what pops out of my mouth is, "I have to go to the vet."
  I have actually said this, on more than one occasion. <g>  Yes, I am a
  major source of amusement for my friends.
- I wash my hands *before* I use the bathroom.  (Okay, I got this one from
  "you know you're a zookeeper when", but when cleaning cages and more
  ferret poop that I thought it possible for five ferrets to produce at
  the same time, then hauling it all out to the trash can... well,
  sometimes this one seems apropos. <g>)
- I see a rubber band on the floor at the office and lunge for it like
  a lunatic to pick it up before it can be swallowed!  Don't they
  understand how dangerous these things are??? <g>
[Posted in FML issue 3257]