Hi all!
I wanted everyone to know that I have been continuing to add late comers
to the tree, so please keep checking.
Also I've had lots of wonderful people writing me who are concerned about
who has already gotten gifts and who has not.  Of course they want to give
to those kids who haven't been picked yet.  Since I didn't have a lot of
time to set this up I didn't do anything which would let us know this.  But
I would like to point out that many of the ones I've heard mention being
picked have pictures on there.  There are several deserving kids there that
don't have pictures.  Their shelter Moms and Dads may not have a way to get
pics on their PC to send, but those babies are just as deserving as those
with their pics.
Some of you may consider even picking two kids off the tree.  One with a
picture and one without. :)
Any of the shelters that missed getting their kiddo's on the tree you can
still send them to me and I will add them to the tree.
Happy Holidays
Kristine Lunny
Friends of Fuzzies Ferret Shelter
FOF Message Board
[Posted in FML issue 3256]