I'm convinced that my fuzzbutts have figured out the art of subliminal
messaging!!!  All three are doing quite well, in spite of a case of
stress-related runny poops from Thunder, and playing, fighting, dooking &
dancing.  I have been able to resist ferret math this time due to my
husband being off work.  (The knee he had surgery on in August got hurt
on the job last week.) This is a good thing!!  This way, when I go to the
pet store for supplies (feline, canine, or ferret) I can't walk out with
a new ferret!
As for every one posting with Christmas tree questions, I set my tree up
while the ferrets were in their cage/room, and they don't even pay
attention to it now.  (t probably helps that Baby has taken up residence
behind it to keep from getting stepped on....he will be getting out of
his splint this coming weekend :-).)
Blessings & dooks to all with sick/angeled fuzzies/humans!
Tammy & the Crew
Pea Pie (Aren't I cute?  Gimme a kiss...and a raisin!!)
Lightening (Gimme, gimme, gimme the raisin!)
Thunder (But Mommy, I wanna go back there with them!)
"Trying to explain ferret math to the non-ferret owner is like trying to
 explain physics to a 3 year old."
[Posted in FML issue 3256]