Yea!  My Christmas tree is up.  All three fuzzies are barely interested.
Helping Mommy set it up and manage the cut-off branches was all they cared
about!  Baby played with one branch for about a minute - then that was it.
However, they (Baby especially as earlier suspected) are helping the tree
drink it's water.  It is apparently so much more fun and convenient than
all the ferret bowls of water. (-:  I don't put anything in the water, but
would love to know if they's a way to discourage them.
***Hey, when someone asks a general question (like all the ones about
odors, furniture proofing, etc) please post answers to the FML so we can
all learn.  I wasn't posting about scent problems, but was glad to hear
about that vanilla trick.  Thanks!***
[Posted in FML issue 3256]