Amen, Mark H!  A fuzzy social club... now that would be fun!  Hanging out
with people that understand Poop Patrol!  Single men that don't cringe at
the sight of the merry little minions of chaos careening around my house-
or even worse, those men that squeal like little ninnies.[shudder]  We
could have T-shirts: "If you scratch my back, my tail will fuzz up."
Bumper Stickers: "My other car is a ... Well, dang, the ferrets STOLE my
other car."  What a lovely thought... crowds of ferret people meeting for
drinks (in shatter-proof, non-spillable glasses) and dancing (well, we do
have our own particular form of the 2-step anyway...)
That's exactly what we need.  A nation-wide (or international even?)
network of fuzzy social clubs.  Where the heck do I sign up?
Social Hermit in TN
[Posted in FML issue 3282]