I can't go into too much detail, but our Superior Choice food has NO ties
to Performance Foods (Totally Ferret) at all.
Our formula was designed by an Animal Nutritionalist, with a PHD in
Animal Nutrition.  I am not allowed to name names because of pet industry
agreements that exist, but Superior Choice is definitely not a product of
Performance Foods, and the Animal Nutritionalist is not an employee of
Performance Foods.
Superior Choice is produced in a USDA APHIS Certified pet food processing
plant for The Ferret Store located approximately 60 miles away from our
location in Wilkes Barre,PA.  It is not a "repackaged" brand of any sort,
it is specially produced for The Ferret Store only.  If you take a closer
look at our ingredients, you will see that they do not match those of any
other "commercial" ferret food.
I hope this helps clear up some of the misconceptions.  Please feel free
to forward any other questions you may have to me at [log in to unmask]
Take Care,
Joe P.
The Ferret Store
Joe Palko - NEEPS, Inc.
The Ferret Store
Phone: 1-800-440-3356
Fax: 1-888-329-8384 / (570) 208-1948
Thank you for shopping at The Ferret
Store for all of your ferret, cat, and
small animal needs!
[Posted in FML issue 3281]