First off, might I address the Georgia Wood and her OVERSIZED monogramed
unders she sent me in the fml!  One large pair does not cover the 2 that
you owe me.  IN fact, if I put on bloomers that are oversized, we will
have leakage issues.  So, Georgia, my dear, i reject your two birds with
one stone bloomers.  You still owe me two.  Yes, you indeed sent me 20
pairs.... and I thank you from the bottom of my ...well bottom... for your
generosity.  I have them all stored up.  This does not, however, give you
liscence to freely stimulate my now already challenged bladder at will.  I
thought those were gifts!  Those do not stock me up so that you might have
your way with me any time you please.  Honestly!
And Georgia.... the number that you do or do not send me is... a secccccret
so shhhhhhhhhhh ixne on the umbere'.
for 12/24/00
anne <[log in to unmask]   for Drapery "issues" lol
Ann Badnadge <[log in to unmask]  "It came upon a midnight clear"
Please visit:
for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3280]